Our Pastured Lamb is ready for you in July and August. Please call now to book your lamb. Any lambs that are not processed by the end of August are sold at the market and they are gone. Call Gayle Kohut 403-559-8058 to make arrangements for your pastured lamb. Our lambs are born between February and May. Our ewes spend their time on pasture except during winter lambing time. A mother sheep is brought into the barn when she lambs and kept there for a short time until her lambs are dried off and strong enough to go back into the flock. Lambs that aren't sold stay with their mothers throughout the summer and are rotationally grazed with the rest of the flock.
We can supply whole carcasses, fresh or frozen from June through September. Dressed weight will be 40-60lbs.
Price for half a lamb is $9.00/lb dressed weight, plus processing costs ($55). A whole lamb is $8.75/lb, plus processing costs ($100).